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Transform Your App Ideas Into Reality

Expert App Development by a Proven Team

Welcome to our digital innovation hub! We are a dynamic and experienced team of app developers ready to bring your ideas to life. With a proven track record and a passion for creating impactful applications, we specialize in turning visions into reality.

Meet Our Team

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Ramona  - Teamleader & Sales

Ramona is the driving force behind our team. With exceptional leadership skills and an intuition for understanding client needs, she ensures that every project is steered in the right direction.


Catherine  - Marketing

Catherine brings your app to the spotlight. With in-depth expertise, a strategic approach and creativity, she ensures that your app not only works effectively, but also appeals to the right audience.


Franz  - Frontend Development

Franz is our frontend development expert. With a keen eye for design and user experience, he makes sure your app is not only functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly.


Gunit  - Backend Development

Gunit is our backend development specialist. With extensive technical expertise and a focus on reliability, he ensures that your app runs smoothly and efficiently.

Our Expertise

Our passion and core competencies lie in the field of educational technology, where we have already earned two awards for our ModusOperandi app. However, we are not limited to EdTech. Our versatile team is ready to tackle any challenge, transforming your ideas into high-quality and innovative apps.


ModusOperandi is a fully functional EdTech app that corrects handwritten math solution paths through the simple click on a button. The app meticulously verifies each step of the individual solution, identifying where and what type of errors were made. It provides specific hints to guide users towards the correct solution. Additionally, it offers the option to generate similar tasks of the same type, helping users to further improve their skills. A walk-through of ModusOperandi can be found here.


Our expertise also extends to Math2GPT, another advanced educational technology application we developed. Math2GPT combines the power of Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPT) with the simplicity of scanning handwritten math solution paths. By providing instant feedback on the solutions, it helps users understand their mistakes and learn the correct methods. This app enhances learning by offering detailed explanations and personalized guidance.


Beyond our own products, we also work on exciting projects for clients. One such project is, a cutting-edge application designed to handle the entire job application process for users. searches for the best job matches based on your profile, automatically applies on your behalf, and collects feedback from potential employers. This allows you to relax while takes care of the time-consuming application tasks. It targets top matches and crafts custom cover letters for each job, ensuring your application stands out. also handles the application process, including visiting company websites and filling out forms. Step in only when an application reaches a level where it can truly lead to a new job.


Our expertise doesn't end there. We are equipped to develop applications across various domains, ensuring that each app is tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients. 

Why Choose Us?

  • Efficiency: Our long-standing collaboration makes us a synchronized, fast, and efficient team. We complete projects on time and always maintain high standards of quality.

  • Flexibility: We understand that every project is unique. That’s why we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, ensuring a seamless and adaptable development process that can pivot as your requirements evolve.

  • Experience: With a track record of successful projects, including the award-winning ModusOperandi, our experience speaks for itself. We bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project, ensuring that we deliver high-quality results.

  • Versatility: We are not confined to one area and can tackle any challenge.

  • Global Presence & Multilingualism: Our international team offers diverse perspectives and grants us access to a broad pool of qualified freelancers. Through Gunit, we have direct access to talents in India. Communicating in native languages is crucial for the efficiency of collaboration.
    Additionally, we are fluent in German and English.

Ready to Turn Your App Idea into Reality?

Contact us today to start your project!


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As a start-up, we look forward to every donation that reaches us.

The money flows directly into the further development of the app.

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