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M.O.: Portfolio
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Verifying your math exercises - solved intelligently.

ModusOperandi enables pupils, students, teachers and parents to get handwritten math problems verified through the simple click on a button. 

M.O. Download Links

How does M.O. work?



Solve your exercises and tasks as you did before.



Scan your handwritten solution with M.O. or upload a picture of your solution.



Get instant feedback on whether your solution is right or wrong.
Find out why you calculated something wrong and get hints on how to solve it correctly. 

For students

+ task verification within seconds
+ get hints and explanation videos 
+ available at any time 

ModusOperandi is your teacher in pocket, we're always by your side. You can verify your exercises within seconds. If you made a mistake, you'll receive tailored hints on how to solve your problem correctly. 

You will also get short explanatory videos to repeat the topic.

Still don't get it? No Problem! Send your assignment to your teacher. Therefore you only have to enter the Teacher Code you got from your teacher in your profile.

For students

For teachers

+ room for individual solutions

+ pupils learn from their own mistakes

+ more time for explanations and to clarify questions

+ promotion of independence

Pupils in class usually process the tasks set at different speeds. With ModusOperandi, no one has to wait for joint corrections -  instead, every student works at their own pace and independently corrects his or her individual solution. This gives you more time to specifically address problems of understanding and deepen topics.

The time allotted for correcting the homework can also be used more sensibly if the students have already checked their solutions at home. As a result, the students always receive an immediate correction and can learn from their own mistakes through the individual hints.

With the so-called Teacher Code, which can be found in every teacher's profile, students can send their assignments directly to the teacher. They can then be responded to via email or directly in class.

This is especially useful to see where your students struggle and what topic needs some further explanation.

School license

ModusOperandi is also available as a school license.

If you're interested in that, please contact for more details. 

For teachers

For parents

+ intuitive  interface 
+ hints instead of standardized solution paths
+ explanatory videos as a refresher

Unlike other math apps, we don't provide standard solutions, but support your child in working through the tasks independently. For us, mistakes are the starting point for real learning. 

We correct your child's individual solution path and give specific hints for the made mistakes. For additional repetition, you'll get short explanatory videos.  

ModusOperandi was developed in collaboration with teachers to provide students with pedagogically sound support for learning math. This helps to quickly identify errors and prevent your child from memorizing incorrect procedures. 

For parents

Want to see more? 

Visit us on our website , on

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